Signature of the agreement to create the 1 Ocean Foundation

The CNRS Foundation welcomes a new foundation under its aegis: the 1 Ocean Foundation.

Under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation, the 1 Ocean Foundation’ s mission is to produce content that popularizes scientific research on oceans and marine environments.

The project, piloted by Alexis Rosenfeld, is part of the “Decade of Ocean Sciences” program run by UNESCO’s Oceanographic Commission.

Foundation status is the perfect administrative and financial vehicle. It can receive donations and legacies from individuals, and corporate sponsorship. Under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation, the 1 Ocean Foundation can also receive IFI (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière) tax-deductible donations.

This new status also guarantees patrons full transparency regarding the use made of their donations.

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