Rescue Ocean Foundation, the culmination of the development of the Project Rescue Ocean association

Rescue Ocean Foundation, created under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation

At a time when theUnited Nations proclaims the years 2021 to 2030 as the decade of ocean sciences for sustainable development, and the CNRS launches the “Polymers and Oceans” Research Group, the Rescue Ocean Foundation is created under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation.

The result of the development of the Project Rescue Ocean association, the Rescue Ocean Foundation aims to strengthen the scope and coherence of citizen, association and entrepreneurial actions in favor of ocean restoration.

It will raise funds to finance various projects initiated by citizens, NGOs or companies to restore the oceans: collaboration with scientific studies carried out by the laboratories of the CNRS and its partners, innovative technological solutions for depollution, and public awareness campaigns.

Rescue Ocean Foundation :

Faced with the dramatic deterioration in the state of our rivers, seas and oceans, the Rescue Ocean Foundation aims to federate eco-citizen action in order to have a real impact on the health of our oceans and the balance of our climate. To achieve this, we want to put people back at the heart of the cause, by supporting all initiatives that will enable future generations to become “ocean generations”. “.


The Rescue Ocean Foundation is the culmination of the development of the Project Rescue Ocean association, which will continue its work in the field, in France and in a dozen other countries around the world. The association’s thousands of volunteers and 55,000 followers on social networks will become true eco-citizens in a vast chain of environmental services, supporting the ocean research programs run by CNRS and its partners.

CNRS Foundation :

In addition to directly supporting the work of research laboratories, the CNRS Foundation aims to forge links with civil society. Participatory science is therefore one of the ways in which it works. Rescue Ocean’s fields of intervention, and its network of field players, make it possible to set up a common and promising roadmap around the general themes of research on the ocean environment and climate change, while taking care to create bridges between scientists and citizens.

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