OwnTech Foundation agreement signed

The CNRS Foundation welcomes a new foundation under its aegis: The OwnTech Foundation

Under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation, the OwnTech Foundation’s mission is to create a community space around a technological community aimed at democratizing access to the technology at the heart of the electrification of society that is essential to the energy transition.

This technological commons is made up of hardware whose plans are “open source”, open source software and data made available through appropriate free licenses.

Foundation status is the perfect administrative and financial vehicle. It can receive donations and legacies from individuals, and corporate sponsorship. Under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation, the OwnTech Foundation can also receive IFI (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière) tax-deductible donations.

This new status also guarantees patrons full transparency regarding the use made of their donations.

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