Our foundations under aegis

Close to social and environmental challenges

The CNRS Foundation is a host foundation. It offers the possibility of creating your own dedicated fund or foundation under aegis.

Coriolis Foundation

Its missions: to provide a set of free and open software tools for the design of silicon integrated circuits (chips); to provide a set of libraries of standard cells and portable analog blocks; to fund circuit design projects.

Cultexp Foundation

CULTEXP responds to the problem of the hyperspecialization of justice and its difficulty in taking into account the diversities present in today's societies. It proposes cultural expertise as an innovative theoretical framework, validated by the scientific community, for integrating diversity into the management of justice.

Foundation for the French House of Oxford

For nearly 80 years, the Maison Française d'Oxford (MFO) has been helping to structure Franco-British research and academic relations in the UK. The MFO Foundation will receive donations and legacies for the benefit of the Maison Française d'Oxford.

Science 4 Reefs Foundation

The Science4Reefs Foundation was created to actively participate in the development of bold, innovative research to identify new solutions to limit the loss of coral reef biodiversity in the face of environmental change.

Albédo Foundation for the Cryosphere

Fondation Albédo is headed by Frederik PAULSEN, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ferring Pharmaceuticals. The Foundation's mission is to support scientific programs of interest to French and French-speaking scientists, at both national and international levels, relating to the cryosphere, and in particular to the North and South Polar Regions and very high-altitude zones.

Ocean Sustainability Foundation

Foundation created by marine biologist Françoise GAILL to support the initiative of the International Panel for a Sustainable Ocean. Its mission is to support actions linked to the protection of marine and ocean environments. The IPOS project is proposed as a coordination mechanism for integrating knowledge systems to bridge the gap between ocean science and policy, in the run-up to the United Nations Conference on the Oceans 2025 in Nice (UNOC 2025).

Fondation Avenir Afrique

Created to support the : Training, Research, Innovation Transfer and entrepreneurship of the IDBio project (Sustainable Engineering of Biobased Products). Unesco label. Associating 6 African universities and 7 French higher education and research establishments, its missions are: sustainable development, poverty reduction and gender equity; scientific and technological development for job creation; contributions to Africa's priority needs (nutrition, green chemistry, health, cosmetics, bioenergies, biopesticides, biofertilizers, biomaterials).

OwnTech Foundation

The Foundation's mission is to create a community space around a common (open-source) technology aimed at democratizing access to power electronics, a technology at the heart of the electrification of society that is essential to the energy transition.

Geomanum Foundation

A Foundation whose ambition is to develop research in the field of Geographic Information Sciences in order to assess and anticipate the impact of human societies on the climate and the environment, and to support the ecological transition in the territories.

2100 Foundation

The Foundation promotes the development of academic activities with a global and regional outlook, respecting the specific characteristics of different civilizations.