On Thursday September 7, 2023, the CNRS Foundation held its annual event to present some of its missions, supported research projects and sheltered foundations. The aim of this event was to present the latest news from the CNRS Foundation and to bring together those involved in research projects and foundations under its aegis, in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges, values and missions of the latter. The annual meeting began with a presentation of the Foundation and its actions by Michel Mortier, Managing Director of the Foundation, followed by a short presentation of the Foundation’s new website, soon to go live. Discussions continued with the presentation of 4 research projects supported by the Foundation: Emilie STOLL presented her research project on agroecology in Amazonia, while Timothée FOUQUERAY described land management tools for an agroecological transition. Robert WEIL and Bruno CANARD then explained their research into auranofine and SARS-CoV-2 on the one hand, and the new frontiers of antiviral research on the other. One of the highlights of the event was the presentation by Killian BOURGOUIN (Kering Group Sustainable Development and Institutional Affairs Department) on the Kering Group’s sustainable development strategy. Three new foundations under aegis were then presented: – Françoise Gaill, founder of Ocean Sustainability Foundation, created to support the International Panel for a Sustainable Ocean initiative and actions linked to the protection of marine and ocean environments. – Frédéric THIBAULT-STARZYK, founder of the Fondation pour la Maison Française d’Oxford, whose mission is to help structure Franco-British research and academic relations in the UK. – Livia HOLDEN, founder of the CULTEXP Foundation, which responds to the problem of the hyperspecialization of justice and its difficulty in taking into account the diversities present in today’s societies. The CULTEXP Foundation proposes cultural expertise as an innovative theoretical framework, validated by the scientific community, for integrating diversity into the management of justice. The September 7 event was also marked by the solemn, public signing of the agreement to create CULTEXP, under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation. A unique moment, representing recognition of the work accomplished by Livia Holden. In conclusion, Antoine Petit, President of the CNRS Foundation, praised the rapid and intense development of the Foundation, and the importance of its work for an institution such as the CNRS. Finally, participants were offered a cocktail in the Salon d’Honneur, a convivial moment of sharing and exchange.
The CNRS Foundation team would like to thank all the speakers and participants for contributing to the success of this wonderful event.